Sunday, June 21, 2009

hey dude!

i finally edited the video from philly! there was alot more that went down, we just didnt film every little thing! scott killed it too as always, im just unsure of what we he wanted to do with all the footy so for now its just me and deezle! and if you are questioning the song, it was literally played everytime we got in scottts car so its only fitting that we make it the montage song!!!! (and for some reason vimeo messed up the video a little, anytime an image just freezes it was supposed to be just a black screen...oh well still a fun video!)

philly footy from caveman on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

killadelphia pistolvania

CAVEMAN and DEEZLE are in philadelphia as of june 9th for a little over a week! we are staying with scottt! we already went to a bunch of spots today and filmed some stuff but im too tired to upload anything right now. Me and deezle stayed up all night the night before we flew out here and then skated all day. maybe we should have slept! anyways we are both going to bed now, hopefully tomorrow will be a nice day for skating and we can film more and maybe ill upload something special for all you kiddies!


here shralpers!

Untitled from caveman on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the return of silly

its been a minute since i have gotten a chance to skateboard with silly, so here is our little video in a parking lot last night! nothing special, just us doing what we do... HAVING FUN!

Untitled from caveman on Vimeo.

Monday, June 1, 2009

in this busy world

its hard to find time to skateboard. or update the website that was originally updated daily! oh well, this post rules! you know why? because its all photos of scottt! the one and only! he is in philadelphia where myself (caveman) and matty d will be june 9th thru the 17th!! hopefully we will film a bunch of cool stuff for you guys stuck in the mitten this summer!
anyways here are some sweet pictures of scottt!  enjoy!