Thursday, July 16, 2009

some more eye candy for ya'll

The amazing photography of hannah kaufmann (aka cavemans girlfriend) is once again on display for the 4 or 5 people that might look at this website! And tonight youre in for a treat! Although this is, caveman has done almost every post since it was started due to sillys lack of a decent computer as well as leading a very complicated and vigorous lifestyle. SOOOOO tonight silly will be contributing (aside from the fantastic stunts he performs on skateboard) by adding the captions to all of the pictures! This should be interesting!

While being harrassed by the surrounding children living in the nearby projects, I decided to ollie and both I and the children liked it... The children chanted "YOU SUCK YOU SUCK!!"
Caveman was being chased by the aforementioned children and had to ollie to gain there respect... again they chanted " YOU SUCK YOU SUCK"
We were there for a really longtime, and were about to leave but we couldnt miss this "honeymoon in malibu" photo-op... WE SUCK WE SUCK

sillys been doin work...

and hes been getting worked the whole time!
even when you look as good as silly on a skateboard things dont always go as planned

Saturday, July 11, 2009

something old something new

new montage with a cute song coming soon! silly has been killing it! im still sucking but the upside to never landing anything is i can film silly and all his flashy moves!!

Untitled from caveman on Vimeo.

Friday, July 10, 2009

this is my homie for life!
the only dude allowed between my thighs
hannah is responsible for these artsy photos! more to come hopefully!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

silly went fast

and i cant nollie flip to save my life!

we are still having fun tho!

Untitled from caveman on Vimeo.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

rest in peace moonwalk

the king of pop is dead... caveman and silly arent tho!

just cuz you havent seen us in a while doesnt mean we forgot how to have fun on a skateboard!!! life is hectic for both of us but we are still planning on keeping up on this site, just not as often as we used to! keep an eye out for a skate video of what we do best! HAVE FUN

king of pop from caveman on Vimeo.

and as a disclaimer: i have been making shots off my garage since before billys balls at the berrics ever came out, ask my dad, he was yelling at me for it 10 years ago haha i think he has finally accepted its sweet by now!